
Sunday, January 6, 2013

Dwarfpunch Mapper: 0.6 is out!

Download available on Bitbucket (it's only 0.6, so it's still not perfect, but working way better)

  It's a small update, but it brings about three important changes:

  • The most obvious change is that the progress bar has been removed from the main window. Now it has a separate window that both makes it so the user interface doesn't "freeze up" anymore. It also gives users feedback about where the program is in the process, which will help with bug hunting in the future when crashes occur outside the developer environment.

  • There's a new forest background layer. It now tiles a lot less obviously. It's really swollen up in size, but that should be fixed soon. We're going to replace it with a smaller tile, with some changes so it's repeating more, but also less obvious about it. Future versions will also let users change the textures without have to replace the files completely and control how the tiling works.

  • Rainfall is now working a bit better. It's still not exactly perfect, but changing it made it not add weird bright spots that weren't attractive.

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